Snoring | Zero G Beds Gujarat


Causes Of Snoring

Snoring generally happens when air cannot move freely through your nose and throat. This prohibited flow, causes the surrounding tissues to vibrate, which produces sleep-disturbing sound which we call snoring. Snoring also increases the chance of having disrupted sleep for you or your partner. This can lead to fatigue and difficulty concentrating. It can also increase the risk of some health problems.

Prevent Snoring With Adjustable Bed

Anyone with snoring problem could benefit by using our adjustable bed by sleeping in a zero gravity position. The zero gravity position is a term developed as a position for astronauts to help relieve stress of earth’s gravity on the body while taking off into space. The zero gravity position is achieved by lying on your back, then raising your legs and head above your stomach or heart. This position minimizes the effect of gravity on your back, evenly distributes weight on your body in a relaxed state.

When sleeping in the zero gravity position your head is elevated which helps to open up any restricted airways. Elevating the torso takes pressure off of the lungs and airways and makes it easier to take fuller and more relaxed breaths. This may cure snoring and a lot of other respiratory issues and you can sleep better. People with snoring problem can benefit from the ability to elevate their upper bodies with adjustable bed. When you sleep on a horizontal mattress, your air tubes become restricted, and it’s difficult to move air to your vital organs. Adjustable beds may help with treating and managing the snoring problem. Elevating your head while congested may also help to drain your sinuses and keep them clear so you don’t snore. This leads to more restorative sleep for both you and your partner.

When you’re able to breathe better, you get more oxygen to your body, preventing your heart from having to put in more effort to get blood and oxygen to your vital organs.