Varicose Veins | Zero G Beds Gujarat

Varicose Veins

Causes Of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are gnarled, enlarged veins. Any vein may become varicose, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs and feet. That's because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in the veins of your lower body. Varicose veins may cause aching pain and discomfort. Sometimes varicose veins lead to more-serious problems. Varicose veins may also signal a higher risk of other circulatory problems.

How Adjustable Bed Can Help For Varicose Vein

Arteries carry blood from your heart to the rest of your tissues. Veins return blood from the rest of your body to your heart, so that the blood can recirculate. To return blood to your heart, the veins in your legs must work against gravity. By using a remote controlled adjustable bed and sleeping in a zero gravity position, you can elevate your legs which can take pressure off your leg veins and will aid in proper blood circulation. The zero gravity position is a term developed as a position for astronauts to help relieve stress of earth’s gravity on the body while taking off into space. The zero gravity position is achieved by lying on your back, then raising your legs and head above your stomach or heart. This position minimizes the effect of gravity on your back, evenly distributes weight on your body in a relaxed state.

So by elevating your legs, blood flow will move away from the legs and will properly flow through the rest of your body. On ZERO-G BEDS one can rest more comfortably in zero gravity position which may promote proper blood circulation.

Also, in Zero Gravity position, the angle of the thighs and torso are aligned, as the upper body and head are raised a bit, and the knees slightly bent, as the legs are raised to about heart level. This bed position boosts better health and sleep by encouraging the body’s natural capability to relax as gravity is evenly distributed through the body.

Adjustable beds with the zero gravity functionality along with the best and the most comfortable latex mattress, may deliver the benefits of weightless sleep while simultaneously treating the pressure points and stress on your body.