Arthritis | Zero G Beds Gujarat


Causes Of Arthritis

Arthritis is a term that includes a group of disorders that affect joints and muscles. Arthritis symptoms include joint pain, inflammation and restricted movement and stiffness of joints. Arthritis can be of many types like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid, Gout, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Tendinitis, Bursitis, Periarthritis of shoulder etc….

Arthritis is a chronic disease that can stay with you for a long time and possibly for the rest of your life. For most people arthritis pain and inflammation cannot be avoided as the body ages. In fact, most people over the age of 50 show some signs of arthritis. Joints naturally degenerate over a period.

How Will Zero-G Bed Help You In Arthritis

Individuals with arthritis often wake up feeling quite stiff and sore in the morning. Sleeping in zero gravity position, on an adjustable bed, may provide better support and comfort to the entire body, which may result in pain relief and decrease in irritation by minimizing joint compression. The literal definition of Zero Gravity is a state or condition of weightlessness. The zero gravity position is a term developed as a position for astronauts to help relieve stress of earth’s gravity on the body while taking off into space. The zero gravity position is achieved by lying on your back, then raising your legs and head above your stomach or heart. This position minimizes the effect of gravity on your back, evenly distributes weight on your body in a relaxed state. This situation of weightlessness takes place in the body when you adjust the bed in a position that you find most comfortable according to your body’s comfort and needs. An adjustable bed is known for its pain relief capabilities. By removing pressure from painful points in the body one will experience relaxation and a better sleep without pain which is most useful for people who suffer from arthritis. In addition, the body may see better blood flow and a reduction of swelling and circulatory issues. The zero gravity position relieves the pressures of gravity from the body by distributing the body’s weight evenly to permit for the right amount of needed support.

ZERO-G BED comes with a remote control which helps those with limited mobility. They also provide them with more comfort and independence. The secret to a healthy life is to keep your joints strong and mobile for as long as possible through a healthy diet, exercise, and a good life. This also includes a healthy sleeping position, zero gravity position, to support your joints while you are fast asleep.